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Getting setup


Please be aware this documentation is still under construction so this section may move at some point!

Developers guide to getting setup with Outpost

Any issues, please see Troubleshooting or raise a ticket or ask in the discussion board.

Some of these sections may not be relevent to you, if so please skip past them.

Its helpful but not essential to have homebrew installed.

  • Ruby on Rails application
  • Postgres database
  • Uses cron jobs


  • Papertrail
  • Sentry
  • Scheduler
  • Postgres

GovUK Notify

Google cloud platform

Installing nodejs

NB: Don't install from it messes with nvm

# install nodejs with homebrew NOT
brew install node

# install node version manager

# install yarn

A useful app to install is mongodb-compass. You can install it with

brew install --cask mongodb-compass

Installing ruby

# install ruby
brew install ruby

# install rbenv
brew install rbenv

# install the correct ruby version NB it may change!
rbenv install 3.0.3

Installing postgresql

# install postgresql
brew install posgresql

You can use postico to view the database in a gui if you'd like

brew install --cask postico

If your using oh-my-zsh the postgres plugin is very handy.

Create the outpost postgres user and role

createuser -s outpost

Installing Outpost

# checkout the repo
git clone [email protected]:wearefuturegov/outpost.git
cd outpost

# Don't forget to setup your .env files

bundle install
rails db:setup
rails s

# run end-to-end and unit tests

You can access the site by going to http://localhost:3000.

You will also need to [[Configure ActiveStorage]] and [[Maps]].